MilkSure Registered Vets
You can use the map below to find MilkSure Registered Vets (formerly MilkSure Champions) in your area who are able to deliver the MilkSure Programme for dairy farms. Click on any marker to see the details for the Milksure Registered Vet.
Zoom in or out using the +/- button in the bottom left corner of the map. If you spot an error which needs correcting, please get in touch with the BCVA Office on [email protected].
What is a MilkSure Registered Vet?
These individuals have completed a day-training workshop on avoiding medicine residues in milk and responsible use of veterinary medicines in the dairy supply chain. They are vets who have completed the BCVA (Great Britain) or AVSPNI (Northern Ireland) MilkSure-for-Vets training courses.
The training increases a wider understanding in this important area. Since November 2020, MilkSure training for farms must be delivered by MilkSure Registered Vets, the register of whom is kept by BCVA.
Vets must be MilkSure Registered Vets to deliver MilkSure training to their farmers. Those vets that are included on this list have chosen to increase their knowledge and skills for the benefit of themselves and their farmer clients.
It is preferable that MilkSure training is delivered by a farmer’s usual vet, but at least a vet from the same practice. This is because the farm’s usual vet will be the ones who will better understand the farm, and can take overall responsibility for which medicines are prescribed for that farm. Reducing medicine residues requires strong teamwork between the prescribing vet and the farmer.
If you are a vet and would like to become a MilkSure Registered Vet, you can check for upcoming workshops here.